


Andy Irvine of COMMTACS attended SCoD’s conference ‘Connect & Collaborate’ (12th March 2015) and delivered a workshop under this theme titled:

‘Learning approaches and the positive benefits of being able to deliver services to deaf and deafblind people by understanding and overcoming real or perceived barriers.’  – content focused on Return on Investment (RoI) and Return on Expectation (RoE).

Workshop was very well attended with very positive feedback being received. The example of peeling a banana (as well as the actual eating of bananas) went down very well – Intrigued? – just ask!

Looking forward to the 2016 conference which will be under the theme of ‘Communication’.

Scottish Parliament

SP-logoFinally completed a ‘short sprint’ rather than a marathon in producing 3 BSL video clips for the Scottish Parliament in relation to the British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill.

This was delivered over a very tight timescale.

Videos were:

  • Summary of the report on the Financial Memorandum of the British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill
  • Summary of Facebook comments – BSL version
  • British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill: summary of evidence


STUC Learning & RMT

stuc union learningDeaf Awareness & communication Tactics course at Caledonian MaBrayne (CalMac) in Oban for a mixture of ferry staff ranging from ‘Skipper’ to ‘Ticketing’ roles was very well received.

Course outline: This course was aimed at staff and other front-line personnel who, in their everyday duties, come into contact with people who may be deaf or deafblind. The course provides an overview of the main communication issues that are faced by deaf people in everyday lives and focuses on communication and the social and environmental issues of deafness rather than the medical model.

calmac rmt-learning

[ap_testimonial image=”” image_shape=”round” client=”Dan Henderson” designation=”RMT Learning Scotland”] … the feedback from all of the courses we have done with you has been excellent, thanks for all the time and effort you have put in.

Deaf Action – Employment Service

breakfast-board2Looking forward to the ‘free’ Breakfast meeting with employers Fri 20 Feb at Deaf Action, Albany St, Edinburgh from 8.30am!! Please pass on to employers in the area – further information:


contactscotland1Delighted to be involved in the development of the website for contactSCOTLAND-BSL – Scotland’s new online interpreting service that allows Deaf BSL users contact public authorities direct via PC/Mac and tablets and smartphones. cropped-textlogo3a



Welcome to COMMTACS
leading providers in …

[ap_list list_type=”ap-list3″] [ap_li]Deaf Awareness & Communication Tactics – certificated and non-certificated courses available – including eLearning [AWARENESSbites] [/ap_li] [ap_li]Media services – making your information accessible in British Sign Language (BSL video clips) – web-ready or on DVD[/ap_li] [ap_li]Consultancy – providing you with over 30 years of knowledge, understanding and experience in the filed of deafness and deafblindness[/ap_li] [/ap_list]

Communication … its in your hands

Are your services ‘deaf aware’? Have a look at some basic communication tips that you may find useful – click here <<< blutick

[ap_toggle title=”What people are saying about us …” status=”close”] [ap_testimonial image=”” image_shape=”round” client=”Trainer” designation=”Participant on DAC1 Teacher Training Day”] Excellent training delivered clearly, concisely and with calm clear nature. Realy appreciated.
[/ap_testimonial] [ap_testimonial image=”” image_shape=”round” client=”Dan Henderson” designation=”RMT Learning Scotland”] … the feedback from all of the courses we have done with you has been excellent, thanks for all the time and effort you have put in.
[/ap_testimonial] [ap_testimonial image=”” image_shape=”square” client=”Dave Smyth” designation=”Directror of L&D”] Exceptional day, all our staff benefited from the Deaf Awareness training day. Thanks
[/ap_testimonial] [ap_testimonial image=”” image_shape=”square” client=”Clara Gibson” designation=”Service Manager”] After receiving training from COMMTACS we made a few minor changes to our service delivery which hopefully will make us far more accessible – it’s the small changes that can make the big differences.
[/ap_testimonial] [/ap_toggle]

Accessible information …

accesskeyboardWe have been providing information that is accessible to Deaf people for over 10 years and have developed a specific style that is easily identifiable and makes your information accessible to the many 1,000s of people whose first or preferred language in BSL.

More information here <<<

L & D that fits around your needs …

dream teamDeveloping Awareness and Communication with Deaf & Deafblind People courses are primarily aimed at those who are in contact with the general public. Especially those who are providing front-line public-facing services.

More information here <<<

On-line learning …

COMMTACS have developed an innovative eLearning package that is aimed at front-line public facing service providers who would not normally be able to attend one of our face-to-face training events ….

Courses aimed at those who would not normally be able to attend either a half day or full day course.

Learn at your own pace with this cohesive and easy to use well written resource.

We appreciate that not all front line staff have the opportunity to attend a full day or even a half day Deaf Awareness course due to staff cover, service delivery/demands and of course the cost may be prohibitive.


final in-line logo1-300

We now offer an online/e-learning solution that allows front line staff, who normally could not attend face-to-face training.

AWARENESSbites is available in 2 packages:

Green – a basic short course which can take up to 2 hours to complete providing the user with a basic understanding of the issues and barriers faced by deaf people. Ideally suited for those who occasionally come into contact with deaf people.

The Green package will take up to 2 hours to complete – easily completed in a one-off learning session.

multipackagePurple – this digs deeper into the issues faced by deaf people and communication tactics that can be developed by service providers. This is aimed at those who regularly come into contact with deaf people and the general public

The purple package will take between 2.5 and 3.5 hours to complete depending on the exercises taken.

Online Deaf Awareness – information can be found here:  with some sample content here: